Welcome Foolish Mortal ~
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is my absolute favorite special event at the Magic Kingdom and I'm counting down the days until I go again this yEAR! I love seeing all of the creative costumes that Guests wear. Which reminds me, I need to start planning my costume.
As you enter the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, you will be given a wristband, a special event Guide Map, and a trick-or-treat bag. There are several treat locations throughout the park and they will be marked on the event map.
For me, the bag that we were given at Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party was big enough to hold just the right amount of candy. It is about the size of a paper lunch sack. You are welcome to bring your own bag or pumpkin if you wish. I have seen a lot of Guests incorporate their bags into their costumes. Perhaps the Disney Photographers use the plastic pumpkins in a lot of their pictures because they are associated with trick-or-treating and pumpkins look cute and festive.
Using the bags that Disney provides or bringing your own is totally up to you. Keep in mind that if you are traveling, especially by plane, the plastic pumpkins may take up a lot of room in your luggage. The treat bags Disney provides will easily fold up for travel home. I may or may not save mine each yEAR. Okay - I do!
Please feel free to visit us again with all of your planning questions. We are hEAR for you!
Wishing you minnie spooktacular memories :-) Allison V.