How exciting, Tanya -
Your cruise is right around the corner! Pretty soon, your little 3 year old buccaneer will be stomping around the deck looking for adventure on Captain Mickey's boat. There will be lots of
fun things to do around the ship and most especially at the
Youth Clubs, and you'll likely want to meet a variety of characters while on board.
Each stateroom comes equipped with life vests for all family members. You are not required to pack this. You can check out the vests once you get into your stateroom. They are quite easy to put on - and you'll want to practice putting them on and taking them off. Safety first of course.
During the mandatory safety drill that happens the same afternoon when you embark, you and our family members will see where your meeting place is in the event of an emergency. You'll also hear the instructions for the family members as well as a roll call.
Wishing you a magical voyage, Tanya!
~ Dolly