Hello, Suzanne
Your trip is in six days; are you sleeping at nights? I know I'd be too excited!
To see the parade while dining at the Magic Kingdom,
Tony's Town Square is a table service restaurant that does have some outdoor seating. We were lucky enough to have it once, and it is still a lovely memory for us. I would encourage you to make reservations beforehand, which can be done online through the link to the restaurant.
Crystal Palace and the
Plaza Restaurant may also have a few seats, but these have limited views with guests often standing in front of the windows.
You also have a few options with counter service dining: Casey's Corner, Pecos Bill Tall Tale Cafe, Sleepy Hollow, and Main Street Bakery (chairs are outside in front of the ice cream parlor). Since these are counter service restaurants, you don't need reservations, but you will want to arrive early to claim your spot.
By the way, if you'd like to make reservations beforehand, I'd encourage you to check the
Magic Kingdom schedule for the dates of your trip and try to have the reservations 45-60 before the parade. I'd also let the cast member know when you are checking in that you'd like to have a table where the parade can be seen. No guarantees, but certainly worth asking.
Have a magical trip; please let us know if we can help again.