Hiya Mary!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Sometimes you totally luck out with the costume accessories and sometimes you don't! There's never any rhyme or reason, and I feel your frustration! Hopefully we can get you steered in the right direction here!
First of all, I suggest you download the
Shop Disney Parks app. It comes in super handy at home,
and in the parks, when you're hunting for that elusive item! You can search for an item and it will show locations that carry the item, and it will also let you know if the item is available for purchase to ship to your home. I did take a few minutes to search for your item and did not luck out locating it at this time, so you might want to try the next option...
Second, you can contact Walt Disney World Merchandise Guest Services at 877-560-6477 or by email at
Merchandise.Guest.Services@DisneyParks.com. Describe what you're looking for, and they can search the database for it. They'll be able to locate it and ship it to your home.
Lastly, if you search sites such as etsy, you might be able to find some sea witch inspired designs that might work for your granddaughter.
Have a magical vacation!