Welcome Aboard, Aaron!
Thanks for cruising by the Moms Panel with your question.
I'm happy to hear you and your family are planning to take advantage of the incredible Youth Clubs during your sailing. It's so great to be able to explore the ship and enjoy some quiet time, an adult-exclusive meal, or a spa treatment while your kids are well taken care of in the club. The highly-trained, energetic Youth Counselors make certain that each and every young cruiser is entertained, engaged and happy while in their care!
The age breakdown for the Youth Clubs is as follows:
Disney's Oceaneer Club/Lab - Ages 3-12
Edge - Ages 11-14 (10 year olds may participate with signed consent from parent or guardian after discussing options with counselors onboard)
Vibe - Ages 14 - 17 (13 year olds may participate with signed consent from parent or guardian after discussing options with counselors onboard)
So, the answer is yes, with a signed consent, ten year olds are allowed to visit Edge. Since your daughter will be one week shy of her tenth birthday, you'll need to discuss your particular situation with the Youth Counselors. Hopefully they will be able to allow your girls to be together.
I hope this helps with your planning and preparing for your cruise. You and your girls are going to have a blast! Have a magical day! - Diane W.