Hiya Heather!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I have a neurostimulation system that was implanted last year for a chronic pain condition, so I'm happy to help out with your dad! First of all, make sure someone speaks with your father's doctor about his system before your vacation and the possibility of his
MagicBand causing interference with his system. I'm not sure what system your father has, but mine connects via Bluetooth, so, in my case, it should not cause interference, but he should double check with his doctor to make sure.
Going through security will be no different that navigating security at the airport. Just make sure he has his card with him and ready, and his controller is charged and ready. To avoid any complications with the device, after he presents his card, he can either ask to bypass the metal detector, or elect to turn off his device, enter/exit the metal detector and then restart his device. Do make sure that he has his controller with him and charged at all times--and don't forget that power cord!
Have a magical vacation!