Hello Stephanie! First, congratulations to your daughter! Best wishes to her in the competition! And, thanks for bringing your question to planDisney! I love that you’re combining some time at the Walt Disney World Resort with your daughter’s cheer competition!
It sounds like you know the dates that you will be in Orlando, but you just aren’t sure which of those days you’ll have available during the competition for visiting the Disney Parks. I recommend that you proceed with purchasing park tickets for the number of days that you plan on visiting the parks. Then, be sure to make your
Disney Park Pass reservations for the tentative days that you plan on visiting those parks. Now, as you get closer to your travel dates and the competition schedule becomes more clear, you can always change your Disney Park Pass Reservations for another day!
I’ve had to change park reservations during a few of our visits due to various reasons. Changing park reservations is easily done right in your
My Disney Experience account. Once you enter your My Disney Experience account, you'll select "Make or Modify Theme Park Reservations." Once you're at your reservations page, you'll select "Modify Reservation." You can then proceed with changing your days. Stephanie, always be sure to check park availability when changing park reservations.
Stephanie, I hope your daughter rocks her competition! Please come back to planDisney if have any follow-up questions. My fellow panelists and I are always here to give you a cheer!
Happy planning!