Hi, Ashley! Congratulations on your cruise aboard Disney's
Dream! Believe me, there is much to do and see just the age you are.
Although you may not be the legal age for drinking, you and your brother can certainly visit The District. The District on the
Disney Dream is a section of the ship that caters to adults in the evening and is
home to a variety of distinct lounges and nightclubs -- including
District Lounge,
Pink and
All venues in The District intertwine, with each venue possessing its
own totally unique look, sound and feel, providing adults a range of fun
options that play to all senses.
Plus, you are old enough to visit and enjoy adult-only areas such as:
- Senses Spa & Salon
- Quiet Cove Pool
- Palo
- Serenity Bay at Castaway Cay
Enjoy your distinction as adults on your cruise! Have a wonderful day and a magical vacation. Bon voyage!