Greeting Padawan, Tarah.
I can sense that your family is filled with other Padawans eager to become Jedis. As an
experienced builder myself, I’ll be happy to share a few shipping options with you.
Your family member will soon be one with the Force, as they prepare to build their very own lightsaber. I highly recommend taking advantage of the welcomed additional Guest. My husband was my plus one and he was able to photograph my entire experience. It was truly incredible! I can’t even begin to put into words what they will experience.
I also recommend having your family member stop by
Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities to purchase additional
Kyber Crystals for their lightsaber. This will allow them to change the color of their lightsaber from home. I originally built a purple lightsaber but purchased a yellow and red Kyber Crystal for home too.
When it comes to sending the lightsaber back to your home planet, you can do so from the following locations. The first is Dok- Ondar’s Den of Antiquities,
Droid Depot, or
First Order Cargo. I also recommend stopping by the front desk of your
resort to see if they can send it to your home planet before you build. That way they can hang onto their lightsaber until the very last minute.
Double check with the Cast Member who is sending it off for you all what the approximate shipping time will be. On average, I have found that it takes about 2 weeks from the ship date to arrive at my home. This should give you plenty of time to enjoy the cruise and return home in time for the magical mail.
Tarah, enjoy your visit and May the Force be with you.