Hi, Leslie, and welcome back to planDisney! Thanks for bringing us another great question. Although I don't love thinking about a vacation before it even begins, you're wanting to know some really important details regarding your upcoming Disney Cruise and we're here to help! So, let's get to it.
The short answer is you absolutely can make a 12:30pm flight out of Orlando, from Port Canaveral. Guests who have earlier flights to catch on the day of their debarkation, as you do, may take advantage of Express Walk-Off, which allows Guests to disembark the ship beginning at around 8am. The time does vary, however, and is dependent on when local authorities give the "all clear." It could be earlier than 8am or it could be a bit later! I recommend your group is ready, with all your luggage, and in the Grand Hall by 7:20am.
And yes! Disney Cruise Line offers
ground transportation to the Orlando Airport from Port Canaveral. You must reserve your (11!) spots on the bus in advance by adding them to your cruise reservation, which does include a per-person fee. Reserve your spot through the
Disney Cruise Line Navigator App under your reservation options, or on the Disney Cruise Line website under Already > Ground Transportation. You may also call Disney to discuss options, or if you only need one-way transportation,
you must call as the default selection online is round-trip.
I hope this answers your question, Leslie, and alleviates any worries you may have had. You're going to have an amazingly magical time on your Disney Cruise, and I trust you'll make it home safe and sound - you won't even need any pixie dust! (Although, not a bad idea to have, just in case!)
If any other questions come up in your planning, don't hesitate to
reach out to us again anytime!