Hey, Kaila. Your question is a great one; thanks for allowing us a chance to help!
First of all, let me commend you for your efforts and assure you that you weren't missing anything in your search. Indeed, the option to purchase a new
Annual Pass is temporarily suspended. Current Annual Passholders, however, are able to renew an existing Annual Pass.
I definitely understand why you're researching this option. There are a ton of
great benefits to becoming an Annual Passholder, beyond just the park admission. Hopefully, it won't be long until guests are able to invest in new Annual Passes again and can unlock a whole year of magic. Until then, you might want to learn more about the ins and outs of being a Passholder; this
FAQ on Annual Passes is a great place to start.
You don't mention when you plan to visit, but I noticed that you indicated that you are from Florida. Depending upon when you plan to visit, this
Florida Resident Discover Disney Ticket offer might help you save some money. And once new Annual Passes become available for purchase again, this information on
Florida resident savings and offers might be especially helpful for you.
I hope this information helps in your planning, Kaila. Be sure to stop back by planDisney if we can help any further!