Greetings Jessica and a very warm welcome to planDisney!
To help answer your question, I checked with my friend and fellow panelist,
Kristin C. She recently visited the
Downtown Disney District with a
dining reservation. She confirmed that if you arrive (or you're still in line) within 15 minutes of your reservation, you should inform a Cast Member. They will direct you to the front of the security area where your reservation start time will be confirmed through your
Disneyland Mobile App. You will then be able allowed to go through the security and health screening.
I’m so happy to hear that you’re planning a visit to the Downtown Disney District! Even though the theme parks of the Disneyland Resort remain closed, there is plenty to see and do at the Downtown Disney District! If you have not visited recently, I encourage you to check out the
website before your visit. There, you’ll find a list of all open locations and have a chance to review all the new guidelines.
I hope you enjoy a fun-filled visit to the Downtown Disney District! Please head back to planDisney if you think of any more questions!