Hello, Jill!
I feel your pain! My daughter, too, has an unusual name, with an even more unusual spelling. However, you'll find that you'll be able to find personalized items at several locations throughout the parks at Walt Disney World.
At Magic Kingdom, there's a great little ring carving kiosk located in Adventureland, just past Pirates of the Caribbean. You can also get parasols personalized at both Liberty Square in MK as well as in Epcot (our daughter got hers in the France Pavilion.)
Over at Downtown Disney, your daughter can stop into
Disney's Design-a-Tee, where she can not only customize a T-shirt in her favorite color, character and other artwork, but she can add her own words to the shirt...in this case, it may be her name properly spelled! :-)
At Disney's Days of Christmas, also at Downtown Disney, Cast Members can personalize almost any ornament you purchase there...and there are so many lovely decorations throughout the store! Most days, they can do this while you wait. However, I've stopped back in an hour or so if the wait seemed to be exceptionally long.
Finally, you can have hats personalized at both the hat shop at Main Street U.S.A. in Magic Kingdom as well as right there in Disney's Days of Christmas at Downtown Disney. Take a look to see what can be personalized when you're there; at DD, the personalization room is toward the back of the shop.
Your daughter is sure to be thrilled to finally be able to have her proper name on some souvenirs! Trust me. I know what a big deal that is!
Send more questions as you think of them; we love to help!