Royal Greetings, Keith! I’m glad to see you again! I have seen that adorable hot pink rolling suitcase that looks a lot like a dressing trunk! For a short time, I could only find evidence of it on the
Disney Cruise Ships, but with a little help from Disney Spring’s official twitter account I dug up a place you can snag one!
When you visit Disney Springs, you can find the
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique rolling suitcase at Disney T.A.G., which is in the Marketplace Co-op portion of the eatery and shopping destination. (I also love to shop The Dress Shop on Cherry Lane for vintage style fashions!) According to that particular
tweet from Disney Springs, the suitcase you have your eye on retails for $199.95 plus tax and measures 21”x13.5”x7.5”. While I hope that it will one day be available on the
Shop Disney Parks App, you’ll have to be in store to grab one right now. You can also further personalize your suitcase by visiting the T.A.G. section and ordering a
customized Cinderella slipper luggage tag!
If you have any more questions about your Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique visit, you know
where to find me! I’ll see ya' real soon! ~ Lindsey P