Hi, Meghan!
Oh, will your 1-year old will have sooo much fun on her first visit to Walt Disney World!
Our son was only 5 months old, then 2 years old on our first two visits to WDW, and, although he may not remember those visits,
we do. There's nothing like watching a little one experience the magic of meeting a character for the first time, of tasting that first Premium Mickey Ice Cream Bar, of giggling while riding on a magic carpet or while getting that very first hug from WInnie-the-Pooh. Any age is the perfect age for a first visit, and any visit can be customized for the enjoyment of a Guest of any age.
Take a look at this great post about
Traveling with Little Ones at Disney Theme Parks. You'll see how very much there is for your littlest princess to enjoy as well as how much Walt Disney World has kept her needs in mind throughout the parks and resorts, too.
The photos I have of my children at their youngest ages at WDW are among my very favorite. The magic in the sparkle of their eyes is all I need to remember that, yes, those were great ages to visit the most magical place on Earth!
Let me know if you have more questions; I'd love to help!