Ahoy Nakieah!
Welcome back to planDisney! I’m thrilled you said “Cheese” to Captain Mickey, the Big Cheese himself for a Disney Cruise Line vacation. Hopefully it was everything you hoped for and then some!
Photos definitely make great souvenirs of a Disney cruise, and the
professional photographers onboard do an exceptional job. You are correct that the kiosks in
Shutters Photography Shop are there for Guests to view their photos during the voyage. Let’s FOCUS and see if we can access those photos for you from your recent sailing.
I suggest that you email Disney Cruise Line Guest Communications as soon as possible at dcl.guest.communications@disneycruise.com. They are the magic makers and can check on whether you can order the photos post-cruise. Now that Disney Cruise Line is handling all aspects of their photography services and not using a third party, you just might be in luck!
Now that you’ve just experienced a Disney cruise, I hope you have plans for many more on the horizon. If you have more questions for us, ZOOM back over to
planDisney and we will try our best to DEVELOP the answers you are craving.
SEA ya real soon!