Hi there, Cynthia. Welcome to planDisney. Thanks for taking the time to stop by with your question for us.
If your vacation plans change, you can cancel your current theme park reservations by logging into your Disney account on
Disneyland.com. Locate “My Disneyland” on the right. Hover your cursor over it and you will see “Ticket and Reservation Details”. Then, scroll down and click “View My Park Reservations >”. Click on “Cancel Reservation” and follow the prompts to select the reservation you need to cancel.
When you’re ready to make another reservation, take a look at the
Theme Park Reservation Availability calendar to be sure the new date and park you wish to visit are available for booking. You can then make a new park reservation using the same process you did when you purchased your ticket. You’ll select your new date and park of your choice. Once everything is confirmed, you will receive an email with a new QR code for your new park reservation.
I hope this is helpful for you. If you have more trip-planning questions, please don’t hesitate to visit us on
planDisney again. We’re all EARS!
See ya real soon,