Howdy, Robert! I'm so glad you came around to see us again at the Disney Parks Moms Panel! Let's get you in to see the rootinest, tootinest show at the Walt Disney World Resort!
Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground is an evening of hand-clappin' fun from the moment the Pioneer Hall Players hop onstage to regale us with their snappy banter and catchy tunes. And the food is some of the best you'll find on the frontier! When the servers come out with buckets of the Fort's famous fried chicken, it's like heaven on earth. I know you and your brother are going to love it!
I did a quick check of the March dates you mentioned, and I see that the Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue will have three show times each of those days - 4:00, 6:15, and 8:30 p.m. It looks like the 6:15 shows are all booked, but the early and late shows seem to have some availability. The Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue requires full payment in advance to reserve a table, and you can book with a credit card online through your
My Disney Experience account
or by calling (407) WDW-DINE or (407) 939-3463.
One important thing to know, Robert - you'll need to pick up your tickets before heading into the show. You can do that anytime at your Resort hotel concierge or at the Pioneer Hall box office 40 minutes before show time. Then just check in at the podium right outside the theater and you'll be shown to your table when the doors open.
I hope this helps you and your brother have a ton of fun at the Fort, Robert. Please come see us again if you have any more questions!
Keep Disney Dreaming,
Kathy K.