Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel Mariesa ~
You are welcome to bring your own stroller to Disney World or strollers are
available for rent in the theme parks and Downtown Disney. I have always preferred bringing my own stroller but I typically drive to Disney World. Single and double strollers are available in all of the Disney theme parks. You can also rent single strollers at Downtown Disney.
Single Stroller Rentals are $15 per day or a Multi-Day (Length of Stay) Rental is $13 per day.
Double Stroller Rentals are $31 per day or a Multi-Day (Length of Stay) Rental is $27 per day.
The link above will give you more details on rentals but please keep in mind that prices are always subject to change without notice.
I personally don't think the strollers available for rent in the parks are very good for children that may want to take naps during the day. The strollers are made of hard plastic and do not recline so napping would be difficult. They do have a canopy and have a little (not a lot) of storage space. You can see a picture of them on AllEars.net. Its an unofficial Disney website but they do a great job of posting pictures of strollers.
Another option is renting from a local vendor like Orlando Stroller Rentals. They offer a variety of strollers, will deliver to your resort and are typically very reliable.
I answered a question for another Guest with some
tips on strollers that you may also find helpful.
Please feel free to visit with all of your planning questions. We're hEAR for you!
Wishing you minnie magical memories :-) Allison V.