Hi, Martina! Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel!
I'm happy to say that, yes, you will be able to bring food items into
Epcot (actually, you're allowed to bring food to all the
Theme Parks at the Walt Disney World Resort). While there are
some rules, you can bring items as long as there is no loose ice on your coolers and no glass containers.
My greatest tip to bring food to a Theme Park is to
rent a locker to keep your food fresh, and your back rested. My husband and I like to keep our light snacks on our backpack (nuts, crackers, and water bottles) and heavier items on our rented locker (sandwiches or extra drinks). How does that strategy sound?
I hope you enjoy many incredible moments at the Walt Disney World Resort, Martina! Let us know if we can help you once again.
May the magic be with you,