Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel, Carrie!
Congratulations on your newly-minted
Annual Passholder status! Welcome to the most magical family in the world. I hope you the most pixie-dusted yEAR filled with unforgettable memories created at the most magical place on earth, the Walt Disney World Resort.
Carrie, once you activate your Annual Pass, you will be able to log in and customize your complimentary Annual Passholder MagicBand. That will be the first piece of Magic Mail you will receive as a Passholder. A few weeks after your AP is active, you should star receiving the Mickey Monitor, an exclusive, seasonal newsletter for Annual Passholders with updates of all the happenings in the parks and any special promotions AP’s can enjoy. You might also receive an adorable Annual Passholder magnet too. I added mine to the back of my car. It brings a big smile to my face whenever I see it!
Be sure to bookmark the
Annual Passholder benefits and discounts page so you can be sure to browse and enjoy any exclusive offers available anytime you visit.
Thanks again for stopping by. We hope to see ya again real soon!
Emille ºoº