Hi, Amy!
I think it's awesome you want to encourage your friend not to give up during her first runDisney 10K event! That first race experience can make one very nervous! I've been there, too.
Unfortunately, once you cross the finish line there is no getting back onto the course. You will need to proceed through the runners chute and into the family reunion area. With over ten thousand runners for the 10K event, it is for everyones safety that runners who have completed their race be cleared away from the course. However, it is possible for you to spectate near the finish line in the grandstand seating area (the only designated spectating area for the 10K). You would be able to cheer her on as she finishes.
I know with the right training and the magic that happens on race day, your friend will be just fine! I would also encourage her to take a look at the
complementary training plans available for 10K races designed by the official runDisney Training Consultant, Jeff Galloway. He has revolutionized the running world with his run/walk/run method. There's no doubt this method will help see your friend to the finish line!
Please let me know if you have any additional questions, Amy! I'm here to help!