Hello Thomas!
I believe that you are referring to the "Family of the Day" at the
Magic Kingdom Park. The Magic Kingdom Park family of the day or the first family typically gets to help open the Magic Kingdom Park and other magical surprises. While there is no guarantee of getting this special honor, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances. Here are some suggestions for you that may increase your chances of getting selected based on my experiences being at the Magic Kingdom Park before it opens:
1. Wear matching, bright color shirts (make sure they are all the same color so you stand out and bonus points for Disney Characters and your names them)
2. Try to be the first family waiting to get into the Magic Kingdom that morning (you will have to get there an hour or more earlier than the Magic Kingdom is scheduled to open on that particular day)
3. Talk to the Cast Members at the Magic Portals/Touch Points (ticket turnstiles) to find out about them and tell them about your family
4. Make sure that you have your children with you- often a family of four is chosen
5. Let your excitement and enthusiasm about being at the Magic Kingdom Park show on your faces and in your words
I hope that your family gets to be the first family on your next Walt Disney World vacation!
Keep Dreaming Big!