There is a Disney Letterbox, but it is not in the parks, Disney Parks are swept and kept so well the Letterbox would be discovered to quickly, however there is one on Disney Property. So, here are some details:
Take exit 64A off of I-4 to Route 192 East.
Take a right onto Celebration Ave.
This is the North entrance to the town of Celebration. You’ll see a water tower that says Celebration as you make this turn.
Proceed along Celebration Ave (not to be confused with Celebration Blvd.) straight through the downtown area, making no turns.
Pass Stetson University on your left, you'll see building #851 on your right just before the ball fields. Take the first left down Evalyn Drive.
You will come to a small pond along the roadside, park along the curb. You can also access Celebration Ave. off of Route 417,
A path circles around the pond with a bridge in the middle and two boardwalks on either side that take you off the main path.
The boardwalk on the right takes you into the woods above a wetland area and is worth the short stroll.
The Letterbox is located on a path between the left boardwalk and center bridge directly behind a park bench/trash can and between two ornamental trees.
From the start of the path take 13 paces (2 steps = 1 pace).
There may still be a lot of brush blocking the path. Look to your right and you will see an old tree stump.
Inside the stump covered in bark and sticks is the Celebration Letterbox.
Celebration is a great town, ornate infact. Anyway, according to my sources..who shall not be named :), the Letterbox was last verified on November 23, 2007...
Have fun!!!! Heather M.