Hiya, Jennyfer. Thanks for visiting planDisney. I'm happy you're here!
How very sweet that you'll be attending
Disneyland After Dark: Sweethearts’ Nite in just a few days. Your special event ticket gives you access to Disneyland Park as early as 6:00 PM - three hours before the event starts! You are welcome to use that time, to build a lightsaber at
Savi's Workshop. There are currently reservations available up to 7:30 PM that day, so please book soon as availability can change at anytime!
When booking a reservation, only include the number of builders when searching for availability. You only need to include the name of the builder with the reservation. If anyone will be accompanying you, their name does not need to be added. Up to two Guests can watch the builder and Savi's recommends that builders be at least five years of age to enjoy this experience. I took my son for his 9th birthday and it was a truly out-of-this-galaxy experience! Please check our the
Important Details section of the reservation page for me information.
Jennyfer, I hope your whole visit is the sweetest. If you have any other questions, please visit us again!
See ya real soon,