Mom And Son Running through park; RunDisney; incredibles shirt
  • On Jul 1, 2011
    Sue from CT Asked Note: This answer was provided prior to the change to planDisney and may still contain references to Disney Parks Moms Panel.

    Experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    Hi! I will be arriving on Friday 7/8 with my DM,DD (6) and DS (15)-we have been a lot so he knows the parks but he is asking to be able to go around alone in the parks and would like to sleep in and take the monorail from the Polynesian to MK? Is this safe

    Hi Sue,

    As a mom, you know what you are comfortable with.  Since you are so familiar with the parks, I would think it is fine.  Does he have a cell phone or do you have walkie talkies so that you can stay in touch with him or so that he can find you in the park?

    Disney World is very safe and there are Cast Members and Security at every turn, so if there is a problem he can ask for help or get assistance.

    Maybe set a time-give him until 1030am to sleep in and then have him meet you at a specific spot in the Magic Kingdom at a set time.  It gives him the sleep in and gives you some peace of mind.

    I hope this helps!

    Have a wonderful time on your vacation!!

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Meet the Panelist: Carrie, Ontario

I am from Georgetown, ON Canada. I own/operate a health and fitness company, and have 3 children. I love being able to help people plan their vacations and share my experiences with them ... including how to stay fit and healthy while on vacation! Learn More About Carrie

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