Yo ho, yo ho, sounds like a pirate's life for you Susanne ~
My boys love
Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial at the Magic Kingdom! Okay, I do too so I always stop and watch even when my buccanEARs are not with me.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial usually takes place several times daily. You can find the times listed on the link I've provided above, on the
My Disney Experience mobile app or by picking up a printed Times Guide.
There is no advanced registration for Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial. Typically, Captain Jack and Mack will randomly pick four kids from the audience to join them on stage and learn the art of sword play. Kids that show a lot of enthusiasm or that are dressed in some sort of pirate attire seem to catch their eye. They will also teach them how to distract and flee if you don't think you're the better swordsman. After they finish, each buccanEAR is given a scroll proclaiming that they are part of Captain Jack's crew.
Captain Jack will then ask if there are any others that wish to join his crew. He will select several other kids to come on stage to take an oath to become a future crew member in the service of Captain Jack Sparrow. They will all receive a scroll as well. If your buccanEAR isn't selected as one of the first four, there is a good chance they can join him for the second part.
I would recommend getting there early and stand near the center just behind the rope they put down. To me, it seems like the earlier and later shows are less crowded. Keep in mind that this is completely outdoors so they may cancel without notice due to inclement weather.
Wishing you minnie magical memories :-) Allison V.