Hey there, hi there, Judy! You're as welcome as can be here at planDisney! I'm so glad that you've stopped by with such a great question. I love chatting Disney with my pals, pal!
Judy, it sounds as if the magic is calling you! The magic called me, too, and I have been a Walt Disney World Annual Passholder since 2015. Nothing beats being able to just make Theme Park Pass reservations and head to my happy place on a whim, and I haven't regretted a single magical moment. I'm so excited to hear that you plan on answering the call of the magic and becoming a member of the Passholder family, and I'm more than happy to answer your question today.
While there are discounted
Walt Disney World Annual Passes exclusively for Florida residents and
Disney Vacation Club Members, typically, discounts are not offered for us out-of-state Guests. But if you plan to visit The Most Magical Place on Earth more than once per year, I think you may find that the Annual Pass ends up being quite discounted when compared to purchasing tickets for the same number of dates.
To see if an Annual Pass is right for you, I suggest considering how many times you plan on visiting
Walt Disney World Resort in the next year and then price out how much your tickets will cost for each visit. If the ticket price ends up breaking even or costing more than the Annual Pass, then an Annual Pass is exactly what you need for a year of magic! Annual Passholders receive so many
discounts on dining, merchandise and even Resort reservations, so don't forget to calculate those savings!
Judy, just be aware that right now, there is a temporary pause on the sales of new Annual Passes. So, I recommend keeping a close eye on
the Passholder page on the Walt Disney World website and
Disney Parks Blog to see when sales may resume again. I'll be wishing upon every evening star that sales of new Annual Passes resume very soon!
I hope this was helpful, Judy, and I am wishing you a year of magical memories! Please stop by any time with any questions you may have along the way. You've got a friend in planDisney!
Chase the wind and touch the sky,