Welcome back, Jessica! :-)
We love Kidani Village so much that we selected it for an upcoming 3-generation stay in a Grand Villa!
KV is like Jambo House's little sister; it's a bit smaller, but resembles the first-born tremendously. There are pluses and minuses to staying here, though, so it's best to be well-informed before choosing one over the other.
Pluses: cozier feel, Sanaa Restaurant adjacent to savannah, incredible kids' area (Uwanja Camp) by the pool, park buses pick up first at Kidani, then head to Jambo (better chance at getting a seat; first off on return, too)
Minus: Quick Service is extremely limited, so you'll head to Jambo's The Mara (indoor/outdoor, poolside) for quick meals. Yup. That's all I've got for minuses... ;-)
Regarding light at AKV, I think that there is just as much light in those villas as anywhere else. What is deceiving to some is that the wood tones are dark, and the fabrics are a great, warm combination of bright and rich colors. In a villa, the appliances are black, too, not silver or white, which may trick the eye and make Guests feel as if there is less light in the room (when it's actually just not reflecting off of pastels or white). Look through the
photos of rooms at KV; they are very accurate representations of what you'll find in a villa at Kidani Village.
We've stayed at both Jambo House and Kidani Village and simply prefer Kidani. We'll head over to the hustle and bustle of JH for dining and shopping, but love coming home to KV after a day in the parks.
Send more questions as you think of them, Jessica! A well-informed Guest will be happiest with her choices upon arrival...and I love to help inform! :-)