I remember all too well those potty training days with all the victories & setbacks included!
I brought both of my kids during potty training to Disney & it went a lot smoother the second time with my little girl because I had found Disney's Baby Care Centers.
Each of the Theme Parks has a Baby Care Center that became my little girl's home base. When we got the map at the entrance to the park the first thing we located was the 'Pacifier' symbol that marked a Baby Care Center. We would go there 1st to visit it & get her comfortable. Every time we would be anywhere near it we would go out of our way to stop in & still work at that potty training.
The Baby Care Centers are quiet, calm & relaxing, unlike the regular restroom you will find in the Parks. The regular restrooms are usually very clean, but those automatic toilets are LOUD & sensitive which I swear set us back 6 months when potty training my son because he was so scared of that big auto flush. With my son we carried 1 of those foldable potty seats in our bag that he used so he felt secure on that adult toilet...which worked perfect in our Resort room.
Angie, thanks so much for visiting with me today, I am so happy to have had the chance to answer your question & I hope it has helped you with your Disney planning!