Hi there, Vanessa, and welcome to planDisney! I'm so glad you've stopped by with this great question. It's always a magical day here at planDisney and my fellow Panelist pals and I are here and happy to help!
Vanessa, it sounds like you're hoping to help out a friend with the purchase of their
Disney Theme Park tickets. If you're simply trying to complete a transaction by giving them your credit card information for payment, you're able to do that at your discretion. I'd love to advise you to use caution when sharing your payment information. You can also ask that your friend not save your payment information in their
My Disney Experience Account, but rather use their own credit card for any other purchases they make for their vacation. If you or your friend have any issues with payments, please reach out to a
helpful Cast Member.
Speaking of payments, did you know that you can use your
MagicBand+ to charge purchases to your
Disney Resorts Collection hotel room? I like to do this so that I can easily keep track of all of the purchases I make throughout my vacation. Wearing a MagicBand+ makes everything so convenient, from tapping in at the tapstiles for park entry to opening your hotel room door at the end of a fun day.
Vanessa, I hope I've been helpful today. Please stop back by planDisney anytime!
See you real soon!