Hi Jaynee ~
It is great to hEAR from you!
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party (MNSSHP) is indeed my favorite special event at the Magic Kingdom! I already have my tickets for this year and working on costume ideas.
You are correct, there is a limited number of quick service locations open during MNSSHP. The list of attractions, quick service locations, and entertainment schedule for the 2014 MNSSHP event evenings has not been released yet. Here is a list of the dining locations that were open during the
2013 MNSSHP evenings:
Main Street USA
* Sweet Treats on Main Street
* Casey's Corner
* Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
* Westward Ho
* Frontierland Turkey Leg Cart
* Frontierland Churro Cart
Liberty Square
* Sleepy Hollow
* Storybook Treats
* Gaston's Tavern
* Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe
* The Lunching Pad
There are lots of different types of candy handed out along the trails. Some of the candy we have gotten included Tootsie Rolls, Smarties, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, M&M's, Skittles, Lemon Heads, Nerds, Jolly Ranchers, and Laffy Taffy. When your son trick-or-treats, ask Cast Members for Gluten Free options. I would also try going to Guest Relations as soon as you enter to ask for options. Sometimes they have gluten-free candy on-hand or can make arrangements for you to pick some up later.
Please feel free to visit us with all of your planning questions. We are hEAR for you!
Wishing you minnie magical memories :-) Allison V.