Ahoy there, Jessica! Welcome aboard planDisney! So glad to have you alongside, especially knowing you and your crew will be settin' sail for adventure in just a couple of fortnights.
Hmm...that's a bit odd, I have a funny tickle in my throat...let's try that again.
You'd best be packin' yer things, and gettin' ready fer a grand time out on the bounding main...
Well, looks like there be no fightin' it, so I best be straight with ye...AYE, there be pirates in the waters! While there's been reports of bein' safe and sound on sailin' of three nights...I'd be doin' me best to blend-in to avoid bein' made to walk the plank! By the powers, where be a better place to celebrate than on a voyage with all four of yer favorite captains, savvy? Oh, but if Captain Barbossa be in the waters, that'd be five!
The truth be, there be no tellin' how big a crew the pirates be boardin' with, so if yer crew is expectin' a
buccaneer bash, it still may be a tall order. One thing be certain - a menu fit fer a feast be on the way, and I'd expect a bit o' shine on yer stateroom pillow before ye set yer sights on dreamland.
What, oh, that be two things? Well, ye better know that the pirate code is more like guidelines than actual rules. WELCOME TO THE DISNEY DREAM, JESSICA.
[cough, cough]
Whew, that was quite the frog in my throat, but I'm so glad you sailed our way at planDisney with your question, Jessica! While pirate night is a favorite of castaways all over, don't forget that with a
four night sailing, you'll also have two cruise casual nights and an optional dress-up night! Be sure to pack accordingly, and check your
Disney Cruise Line Navigator app as soon as you board for which days are which on your particular sailin'...
If any other questions pop up, please sail my way again! I'll be in the crow's nest keeping a weather eye for yer colors!