Hey there, Ebonee. Let's get you squared away with the answers you need to start planning an unforgettable vacation, shall we?
Walt Disney World has a little something magical in store for every Guest, no matter his or her age. My family has enjoyed vacations that included four generations; everybody from great-grandma down to the youngest cousins had a blast. Luckily, the ticket requirements are pretty straightforward. Basically, if a child has not turned three yet, he or she does not need a
theme park ticket and will be eligible for complimentary admission. Everybody else -- everyone who is age three or older -- needs valid theme park admission. Depending upon when you plan to visit, there may be a
special offer available, either on theme park admission or resort hotel stays. It's also important to note that, currently, pandemic-related
updates require a
reservation in addition to a valid theme park ticket or annual pass.
Have you created a
My Disney Experience account? That's a great place to start. You can link your resort reservation and theme park tickets to that account and, from there, start making other plans, including
dining reservations. Are you planning to visit Walt Disney World this calendar year? If so, these tips for
vacationing in 2021 might be especially helpful.
I also wanted to share a tip that helps me make the most out of every trip. I am a huge fan of
Memory Maker. This service allows each member of our traveling party to be pictured together, without one of us needing to snap the photo. We can download the photos for sharing on social, or print them off for framing once we've returned home.
I hope that gets you going in the right direction, Ebonee. If we can answer additional questions to make your trip all the more magical, hit us up with them. We're happy to help!