Hi, Mark!
So happy to hear how excited your kids will be for
Disney Phineas and Ferb: Agent P's World Showcase Adventure! My family just loved it!
When we experienced our own adventure, we were given a choice of Pavilions in which to start, based on availability at the time. Because of our choices, we were directed to certain Pavilions throughout our experience, but that would have been very different had we chosen a different Adventure at the outset. (We simply chose the Adventure that was closest, which happened to begin in the Mexico Pavilion, but continued to several additional Pavilions throughout World Showcase.)
A very cool feature of the Adventure is that your family will be able to try more than just one during your stay, making the experience all the more memorable. If your kids go crazy for the first one, imagine their excitement at getting to try an all-new Adventure the next time around!
Have a great time thwarting Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Mark! Be sure to send more questions as you think of them, too. We love to help...especially when it's helping to save the World!