Hi Vanessa!
I'm glad to see that you are planning a Walt Disney World Resort vacation! Now that you've purchased your
theme park tickets, the next step is to add them to your
My Disney Experience account. Be sure to download the
My Disney Experience mobile app so you can manage your magical vacation right from your mobile device!
You can link your theme park tickets using the
Walt Disney World Resort Claims page. Simply select "Tickets" and then enter your Will Call Confirmation Number or Ticket ID to link your tickets. If your tickets were purchased as part of a Vacation Package, then you will need to link the entire package to link your tickets. You can do that by selecting "Resort Reservations or Vacation Package" on the
Claims page and entering your Vacation Package Confirmation Number and last name.
Keep in mind that if you purchased your tickets from the Walt Disney World Resort website, your tickets will automatically be linked to your account. You can check to see if your tickets are linked by visiting the
My Plans page of your My Disney Experience account, scrolling down to the "My Plans, Reservations and Tickets" section, and selecting "Tickets & Memory Maker." You will then see the tickets linked to everyone on your
Friends & Family Members list.
Vanessa, keep in mind that all Guests visiting Walt Disney World Resort require both a valid theme park admission ticket and a
theme park reservation. So once your tickets are linked, I recommend that you make your theme park reservations for your magical visit. Since reservations are limited, I recommend that you make them as soon as possible so you can enjoy the theme parks on your "must-do" list!
Let us know if we can help you again. T-T-F-N, ta ta for now!