Hi Charlotte, and a big hello to you "across the pond"!
Your question is a perfect one for me to answer. As a fellow international traveler, I frequently take advantage of cross-border shopping opportunities when traveling to Walt Disney World. Almost without fail, anytime I am checking into my
Walt Disney World Resort hotel, there are a variety of packages already waiting for me, including usually at least one from the
Disney Store.
Fortunately, mail and package delivery services is just one of many services available to Walt Disney World Resort hotel guests. Therefore, there will certainly be no problem for you to ship a package to
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort from the Disney Store to be ready for your arrival.
Charlotte, you will want to ensure that your package is addressed to the lead guest on the reservation, and that your resort arrival date is specified on the shipping label so that Disney will be able to link your package to your Resort hotel reservation once it arrives. You will also want to aim to have your package arrive at the Resort 1-3 days before your check-in date. The shipping address for your Resort is as follows:
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort
900 Cayman Way
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830-8411
Please be aware that Disney’s current policy is to charge a small
package handling fee for all packages delivered to the front desk of any Resort hotel.
Happy Shopping,